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Copyright policy

  Fair use policy Certain uses of copyrighted material may not require the copyright owner’s permission. In the United States, this concept is known as fair use. Some other countries have a similar concept known as fair dealing. Whether or not a certain use of copyrighted material constitutes a fair use is ultimately determined by a court of law. Courts analyze fair use arguments by looking at four factors: The purpose and character of the use. How is the original work being used, and is the new use commercial? Transformative uses add something to the original work: comme...
  Copyright policy What types of copyright complaints does Social Scrooge ( or scrooge) respond to? Scrooge responds to copyright complaints submitted under the European Community law (including Directive 2019/790), international conventions (including the Bern Convention and the Rome Convention, the TRIPs agreement, the WIPO treaties) as well as Digital Millennium Copyright Act (“DMCA”). Follow the guidelines for filing a complaint about alleged copyright infringement by clicking here. Scrooge will respond to reports of alleged copyright infringement, s...